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Vigilante offers replacement and racing engine bearings from ACL, Clevitte and King for use in all forms of performance, utilizing any available material. A bearing (in a performance setting) must be both hard and soft so retaining geometry is of utmost importance, but the material also must be malleable and able to adjust for stress and flexing. So, the most important part of minimizing the odds of a seizure is selecting the correct bearing material. VPE utilizes both Bi and Tri Metal bearings to ensure the correct bearing for the performance application.

King Engine Bearings
The Bearing Specialists - King Engine Bearings was founded in 1960 with one simple objective: to supply the highest quality bearings available in the marketplace. By specializing in engine bearings, King has built an extensive product offering that includes a wide range of engine bearings for automobiles, light duty and heavy duty trucks, marine, aviation, standby power and many other types of internal combustion engines. Every King bearing utilizes the highest quality materials and the most advanced designs to ensure complete customer satisfaction. more info