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You are here: Home > Piston Rings

Vigilante Performance currently offers piston rings from Probe Industries, Total Seal, and Hastings to meet your needs.

Probe Piston Rings
With advances in automobile technology, higher quality and dramatically higher performance is required for most automobile components. Probe gas-nitrided steel piston rings have proven to be a high quality product, based on innovative product, material and coatings. more info
Total Seal
Total Seal's advanced manufacturing processes, along with the use of aerospace materials and inspection, allow them to produce piston rings with the flattest, tightest tolerances available anywhere. It's a winning formula, the flatter the ring lays against the piston ring flank, the better it seals. The better it seals the more power you are going to make.

Possessing the widest variety of ring materials and coatings in the industry allows Total Seal ring to be used in the widest variety of applications, from daily drivers to Nascar.
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